(Reg. Charity No. 1132488)
The Beacon Parish
To contact the Beacon Parish office, please email:
Faithful is the One who Calls
This Lent we will be having a series of discussions on Zoom based on our book for Lent Faithful is
the One who Calls.
The book is a series of reflections on what it means to follow Jesus in today’s world.
The format of the discussions will be informal: David and Peter (the author) will begin the discussion, then any who wish can join in.
The sessions are on Wednesdays at 5.00 pm, for around 45 minutes, and each discussion will focus one of the six sections of the book.
March 2 - The God who calls
March 9 - Called by Name
March 16 - Called to Virtue
March 23 - Called to Witness
March 30 - Called to Serve
April 6 - Called by Love
Please email: admin@beaconparish.co.uk to join in.